Build a unique experience by mixing and matching components. Make your brand shine.
kompletan dizajn
Neka naš tim pretvori vašu viziju u stvarnost uz naše usluge dizajna. Otkrijte kako možemo transformirati vaš prostor u inspirativno okruženje koje odražava vaš jedinstveni stil.
Naše Osnovne Vrijednosti
Saznajte šta nas čini jedinstvenima. Naše osnovne vrijednosti su stubovi naše misije, potvrda naše posvećenosti visokim standardima i inovaciji.
Naša misija
Oblikujemo Prostore, Stvaramo Iskustva.
Naša misija je da stvorimo ambijent u kojem se osjećate potpuno komforno, inspirisano i autentično. Svaki projekt je prilika da zajedno izrazimo vaše snove i aspiracije.

Our clients Satisfaction
STUDIO MATERIKO team of very serious, trained and courteous professionals. I relied on them for the design of my studio and they were able to fully satisfy my expectations. Highly recommended!

“I’m absolutely blown away by the new Ultra template. You have to try it!”

Jess Smith
Web Designer at Inno
“I still can’t get over how fast I built my website just copying components from the Ultra template.”

Myah Piper
Founder at WebCo
“I’m absolutely blown away by the new Ultra template. You have to try it!”

Arda Duncan
Designer at Occ
“I still can’t get over how fast I built my website just copying components from the Ultra template.”

Piotr Barlow at Iop
Software Engineer
“I’m absolutely blown away by the new Ultra template. You have to try it!”

Ayisha Cruz
Founder at Ulra